Market News
05.09.2024 в 14:01
Communication services at agricultural facilities will be subsidized
04.09.2024 в 19:34
Will Kazakhstan produce a record harvest?
03.09.2024 в 14:52
Kazakhstan proposes storing Food Corporation grain in farmers' warehouses
02.09.2024 в 12:58
The Ministry of Trade of Kazakhstan has developed a roadmap for the export of agricultural products
29.08.2024 в 12:39
Astyk Trans changes tariff for grain transportation
28.08.2024 в 11:24
Wheat prices in Siberia fall after Kazakhstan bans imports
27.08.2024 в 12:36
The Food Corporation has been instructed to promptly resolve the issue of grain purchase prices
27.08.2024 в 12:23
Russia triples wheat export duty
26.08.2024 в 13:24
The Ministry of Agriculture will launch a new program for lending to processors
20.08.2024 в 14:14
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposed to reduce the export duty on sunflower to $50