Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Astyk Trans will not be able to ship the planned volumes of grain in September 08.09.2023 в 14:03 190 просмотров

Astyk Trans JSC informed about the imbalance of grain loading in September. According to the company, wagons with grain will not be able to be loaded according to the volumes planned for the first ten days of September due to plans inconsistent with KTZ. In the future, this may lead to difficulties in shipment at the end of September-October, reports the APK News agency.
“Today, due to the lack of agreed plans of shippers with NC KTZ JSC, the Company’s cars cannot be loaded according to the volumes planned with client shippers for the 1st ten days of September,” notes the Astyk Trans information.
The company stated that further delays in the approval of plans by KTZ could lead to a shift in volumes and their concentration in the 2nd and 3rd decades of September.
“This fact during the harvest period can lead to delayed consequences, namely to complications in the loading process at the end of September and further in October, due to the increase in the supply of grain for transportation during these periods,” the information also states.
In general, normalizing the process of medium-term transportation planning is a necessary measure, but during the peak period of the grain export season it can lead to uneven load on the infrastructure.

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