Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan has a high potential in the production of pulses — expert 25.09.2019 в 17:30 3036 просмотров

To date, lentils, peas and soybeans are the major pulses that are actively grown in Kazakhstan. Also, Kazakh agrarians cultivate chickpeas and beans, reported the Chairman at Atameken-Agro JSC, Kintal Islamov, during his report within frames of the international conference "KazakhGrainExport 2019" in Istanbul, on September 20.

For three recent seasons, Kazakhstan demonstrated rather positive trend in the production of peas. Although, in 2018 the dynamics of the planted areas under pulses somewhat stopped, but the areas and the resulting harvest volumes were still higher compared with many previous years: agrarians harvested 136.5 thsd tonnes of peas throughout the areas of 101.5 thsd ha, while in 2017 the harvest totaled 131.2 thsd tonnes, and the areas — 100 thsd ha, and in 2016 — 76.7 thsd tonnes throughout 60.5 thsd ha, said the expert.

Also, he focused on the growing indicators of peas yield in Kazakhstan, which increased to 1.35 t/ha in 2018, from the previous level of 1.27 t/ha in 2016. According to K.Islamov, it is not the limit, and in the future Kazakh agrarians can even reach the yield of 2.5-3 t/ha.

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