Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Railroad to China clogged with grain cargo. KTZ extends ban 30.01.2025 в 13:12 56 просмотров

February will begin with a ban on the transportation of grain cargo to China. The national company KTZ has extended the restriction again - for another 10 days. It was previously reported that it would be in effect until February 1, the APK News agency reports.

The document signed by the National Company on January 29 states:

“I order to prohibit the acceptance for transportation and redirection of wheat, flax seeds, oilseeds, barley, compound feed, milling, flour, bran, cakes, meal and milling products (flour, compound feed, bran) in covered wagons (except for corn grain) destined for the PRC via the Altynkol MGSP from February 1 to February 10, 2025 (inclusive).”

The reason for the ban was the untimely unloading of wagons and the failure to accept cargo by China Railways via the Altynkol MGSP. It is reported that since the beginning of January, the average delivery was 6 wagons per day. This concerned cargoes with wheat, corn, flax, oilseeds, barley, compound feed, and milled products.

KTZ also reported that more than 160 covered wagons with the above-mentioned cargoes are approaching the Altynkol station. This amount is calculated for 26 days.

At the same time, in the document, KTZ reports that if the situation normalizes, this ban will be lifted.

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