Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russia triples wheat export duty 27.08.2024 в 12:23 36 просмотров

For the period from August 21 to 27, the export duty on wheat in Russia will be 828.4 rubles per ton. This is 3.2 times more than last week (257.3 rubles/ton). The duty on corn will also increase threefold - from 344.5 rubles to 1033.6 rubles. The duty on barley exports has remained zero for some time.

The amount of export duties on these three types of grain crops in Russia is recalculated weekly, the calculation formula includes indicative prices (prices in export contracts) and the ruble exchange rate.

Indicative prices for wheat were $218.5 per ton, for corn $203.1, for barley $180.9.

It should be noted that according to the results of July, Saudi Arabia became the main buyer of Russian grain, which purchased 712 thousand tons of barley and wheat. Egypt is in second place (529 thousand tons), Libya is in third place (317 thousand tons).

Meanwhile, Kazakhstan continues to discuss the proposals of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan to introduce export duties on a number of raw materials, including grain and oilseeds. Business is against this measure, noting the risk of reducing the profitability of farmers.

The decision will be made after the initiative is considered at a meeting of the government's interdepartmental commission.

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